New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: A Minimalist Arcade Game

Show HN: A Minimalist Arcade Game
2 by inn3r | 0 comments on Hacker News.
3anglez is an HTML5 game that uses Phaser as the main game engine that handles the logic and rendering while Howler is used for the sound. It was ported to Android using Cordova as a container which can access the native API of an Android smartphone and Crosswalk that acts as the WebView rendering the WebGL context. Implementing Cordova plugins such as Notifications, Leaderboard, Analytics, was hard because they would always enter into conflict with each other and collapsed the whole game. After days of fixing, they now act nice with each other. The whole idea of this game was to provide hours of fun using only basic shapes. So I picked the polygon with the smallest number of sides (the triangle) and I build the entire world using it. The triangle is also responsible for the l33t style game name (3anglez). The gameplay is pretty simple. You have to avoid the spikes, the rocks and the enemies (they have some basic artificial intelligence and will try to kill you). Your job is to lure the enemies into the rocks in order to gain points that are used for upgrades. The controls are simple, tap anywhere on the screen and the player will follow you. The depth effect of the main game scene is created using 6 parallax layers. There is a slight tilt of 5 degrees present in the whole game that gives you a unique feel compared to other Android games (this feature was pretty hard to implement since I didn't change the camera angle but instead I tilted the sprites which required some pretty complex trigonometry). The color changing background helps you track your progress. You can try to challenge and defeat the leaderboard top players by getting a higher score! Here is a link where you can play this game: If you have any questions post them in the comments and I'll try to answer them. Thanks for reading the whole post! PS: I can't say how many levels are there but you can try to finish them all :D!


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