New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: We launched 2wks ago and just hit $700 MRR. Should we chase funding?

Ask HN: We launched 2wks ago and just hit $700 MRR. Should we chase funding?
5 by naeemtee | 10 comments on Hacker News.
I launched a SaaS business recently in the sales automation space, with a product that's better than anything else in the industry (especially at our price point). Without a ton of marketing, we've gotten to around $700 in MRR already with really high conversion rates (1-2% of our total visitors pay us). We're not profitable yet, however the cash flow is modelled in a way that we'll be profitable after 250 users (we're at around 30 right now). In the long run I want to build this myself without venture capital, but right now a quick $100-$200k seed investment would immediately give us the influx we needed to become a sustainable business. So, I need your suggestions: do we continue to just slowly grow ourselves, haemorrhaging 1-2k a month until profitability? Do I take time away from the business to focus on early-stage accelerators? Are we too early to look for investment?


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