New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: FAANG employees, how are the recent stock declines impacting you?

Ask HN: FAANG employees, how are the recent stock declines impacting you?
19 by dunpeal | 19 comments on Hacker News.
The past decade has been very good for tech stocks, in particular for FAANGs where constantly rising prices bolstered generous compensation packages. Very strong stock performance has helped recruitment, morale, and retention in FAANGs. However, now the RSU-heavy compensation policy is being tested, with Facebook and Netflix down over 33%, Amazon declining over 25%, and Google declining 20%. For many employees, and especially engineers, these declines translate to severe compensation cuts. What is the impact of these declines on you and your co-workers? Is your employer responding in any way to the fact that your compensation is suffering deep cuts? Are there any observed or expected impacts on recruiting, retention, and morale, particularly as RSU-heavy compensation packages lose some of the fairy-dust they carried for so long?


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