New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: For your side-projects, how do you avoid the 'money' question?

Ask HN: For your side-projects, how do you avoid the 'money' question?
4 by sh87 | 3 comments on Hacker News.
I've been working on side projects for the past 3-4 years on whatever caught my fancy and have thoroughly enjoyed experience and the rabbit holes some of them have led me into. I like it and I feel I'm at a point where I want to get more people involved in side projects. But, any discussion about these projects with (nearly) anyone ends with 'How will you make money'. I don't have a way to avoid or answer that question without losing people's interest. I'm curious about how others handle that one. To be clear, I do not work on side projects for money. Neither do I intend to. Thats what my day job is for. I just want to involve more minds interested in similar things that I'm racking my head against.


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